
North of Superior (1971)

Directed by Graeme Ferguson

Documentary | Short


The second IMAX film made, commissioned by the Ontario Government, and produced by MultiScreen Corporation, later to become IMAX corporation.  North of Superior is a Northern Ontario travelogue, and was the first short feature to be shown at the newly created Ontario government theme park, Ontario Place, in it’s state of the art cinema, Cinesphere, the first permanent IMAX installation.

Length 18 minutes

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/19/2017ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

This is a short film directed by IMAX® co-inventor Graeme Ferguson and premiered on the first IMAX in Ontario. Part of me feels like I saw this at the Science & Industry museum back in the day but then again many of these early *giant* format short films were similar in their approach. Viewing on a computer screen doesn’t really do this justice but I imagine this was wondrous on that first IMAX screen. Akin to watching that train in the first motion picture.

View the film here beginning at the 32:00 mark. There’s a Q&A with the director after the film.


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