
The Endless (2017)

Directed by Aaron Moorhead, Justin Benson

Science Fiction | Horror | Mystery

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, philipjablon, sensoria


Two brothers return to the cult they fled from years ago to discover that the group’s beliefs may be more sane than they once thought.

Rated NR | Length 112 minutes


Aaron Moorhead | Justin Benson | Callie Hernandez | Tate Ellington | Shane Brady | Lew Temple | Kira Powell | David Lawson Jr. | James Jordan | Emily Montague | Peter Cilella | Vinny Curran | Ric Sarabia | Glen Roberts | Josh Higgins

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/22/2017Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8 stars
09/28/2017Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Great to see this again right after viewing RESOLUTION. So many little easter eggs and references. super fun to watch with a crowd like ChiFilmFest because this isn’t really their kind of movie. Literally half or more of theater cleared out at the end before the Q&A. Justin and Aaron gave a hilarious intro and the Q&A was also great. Funny how almost no one there had seen Resolution (unlike FF crowd).

Afterwards went to arcade bar FTW and had a beer with them and chatted some more about the films. Really good time. Also ran into my Japanese teacher on the way out who was going to the next movie OH LUCY so that was cool.


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