
Mayhem (2017)

Directed by Joe Lynch

Horror | Action | Thriller

Most recently watched by sensoria, zombiefreak, archstanton43


A virus spreads through an office complex causing white collar workers to act out their worst impulses.

Length 87 minutes


Steven Yeun | Samara Weaving | Steven Brand | Caroline Chikezie | Kerry Fox | Dallas Roberts | Mark Frost | André Eriksen | Claire Dellamar | Nikola Kent | Lucy Chappell | Bojan Perić | Annamaria Serda | Jovana Prosenik | Nina Seničar | Vladimir Aleksić | Scott Alexander Young | Olja Hrustic | Joe Lynch

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/23/2019TVStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars
11/12/2017Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7 stars

Viewing Notes

Had to cruise down to AMC Woodridge ~35 drive give or take~ to see this, the only theater in all of Chicago screening it. Fun office thriller and better than the Belko Experiment, IMO. Definitely will watch again.

Samara Weaving in that The Black Dahlia Murder shirt is everything.


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