
The Man I Married (1940)

Directed by Irving Pichel

Drama | War


An American vacations in Europe with her husband and watches him turn into a Nazi.

Rated NR | Length 77 minutes


Joan Bennett | Francis Lederer | Lloyd Nolan | Anna Sten | Otto Kruger | Maria Ouspenskaya | Ludwig Stössel | Johnny Russell | Frank Reicher | Ernst Deutsch | Frederick Vogeding | Egon Brecher | Willy Kaufman | Lionel Royce | Rudolph Anders | Walter Bonn | Eugene Borden | Glen Cavender | Harry Depp | Diane Fisher | Arno Frey | Carl Freybe | Rudy Frolich | Albert Geigel | John Hiestand | Leyland Hodgson | Charles Irwin | Greta Meyer | Thomas Mizer | Lillian Porter | Ragnar Qvale | Hans Schumm | John Stark | Hans von Morhart | Eleanor Wesselhoeft | Lillian West | William Yetter Sr.

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/17/2017TVBroadcastVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Blacklist director series on TCM


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