
The Swindlers (2017)

Directed by Jang Chang-won

Crime | Thriller


A group of swindlers unite to hunt down an infamous con man who was known dead, amid their hidden motives and deception.

Length 117 minutes


Hyun Bin | Yoo Ji-tae | Bae Seong-woo | Park Sung-woong | Nana | Ahn Se-ha | Choi Duk-Moon | Choi Il-hwa | Heo Seong-Tae | Kim Tae-hoon | Jung Jin-young | Oh Tae-kyung | Jin Sun-kyu | Jo Eun-joo | Joo Suk-tae | Kang Sin-goo | Wonjin Jang

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/02/2017Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

An elaborate con flick where the con-artists are conning each other. Seems like I’ve seen a few Korean con flicks and this one is decent but also a tad predictable. Felt like this movie could been over at 75 minutes. The last 30 minutes are more flashbacks to how the cons played out with a neat bow to finalized the final con. It was cool to see the singer turned actor Nana in a substantial role amidst these more seasoned male actors. However it did make want at least another female character as this film is so male dominated. But she’s great, beautiful and could be a younger (taller) sister of Satomi Ishihara. Hopefully gets more good roles.


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