Secret Santa tells the story of a group of eccentric college kids, struggling to get through the hectic exam period. A liquor filled party is planned. Adding a Secret Santa exchange for fun. Little do our characters know - A killer is in town and has a special present for all the good (and bad) girls and boys.
Length 78 minutes
Annette Wozniak | Geoff Almond | Keegan Chambers | Brent Baird | Nicole Kawalez | Tony Nash | Matthew Chisholm | Astrida Auza | Alexandra Simpson | Andre Becker | John Nicol | Rebeccah Wyse | Brooke Zavitz
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
12/08/2017 | TV | Streaming | Video on Demand | 5 stars |
(Average) 5 stars |
Not an awful low budget Christmas slasher but nothing all that worth viewing unless you’re into bad holiday horror flicks, which sadly there are many. Usually I’m not a fan of the retro treatment on the digital transfer to give it a “film” look but here it kinda works. Had the entire movie been a throwback it might have been more effective. Even the house has a throwback look. They should’ve gone all the way on that. Mildly decent kills.
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