
Secret Santa (2015)

Directed by Mike McMurran

Comedy | Horror | Holiday


Secret Santa tells the story of a group of eccentric college kids, struggling to get through the hectic exam period. A liquor filled party is planned. Adding a Secret Santa exchange for fun. Little do our characters know - A killer is in town and has a special present for all the good (and bad) girls and boys.

Length 78 minutes


Annette Wozniak | Geoff Almond | Keegan Chambers | Brent Baird | Nicole Kawalez | Tony Nash | Matthew Chisholm | Astrida Auza | Alexandra Simpson | Andre Becker | John Nicol | Rebeccah Wyse | Brooke Zavitz

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/08/2017TVStreamingVideo on Demand5 stars

Viewing Notes

Not an awful low budget Christmas slasher but nothing all that worth viewing unless you’re into bad holiday horror flicks, which sadly there are many. Usually I’m not a fan of the retro treatment on the digital transfer to give it a “film” look but here it kinda works. Had the entire movie been a throwback it might have been more effective. Even the house has a throwback look. They should’ve gone all the way on that. Mildly decent kills.


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