
Zebraman 2: Attack on Zebra City (2010)

Directed by Takashi Miike

Crime | Action | Science Fiction

Most recently watched by zombiefreak


A post-apocalyptic humankind in 2025 finds a hero in the form of Zebraman. But the Zebra Queen steals his powers, making him lose his ability to survive Zebra Time. But he wants his powers back.

Length 106 minutes


Sho Aikawa | Riisa Naka | Tsuyoshi Abe | Masahiro Inoue | Mei Nagano | Hideo Nakano | Mame Yamada | Naoki Tanaka | Suzanne | Nana Mizuki

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/29/2017TVBlu-rayOwned0 stars

Viewing Notes

Sad this didn’t play in theaters when it came out.


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