
She (1984)

Directed by Avi Nesher

Action | Science Fiction | Adventure

Most recently watched by seanCduregger, sensoria


In a backward post-apocalyptic world, She aids two brothers’ quest to rescue their kidnapped sister. Along the way, they battle orgiastic werewolves, a psychic communist, a tutu-wearing giant, a mad scientist, and gladiators before standing against the odds to defeat the evil Norks.

Length 102 minutes


Sandahl Bergman | David Goss | Quin Kessler | Harrison Muller Jr. | Elena Wiedermann | Gordon Mitchell | Laurie Sherman | Andrew McLeay | Cyrus Elias | David Brandon | Susan Adler | Gregory Snegoff | Mary D'Antin | Mario Pedone | Donald Hodson | Maria Cumani Quasimodo | David Kirk Traylor | Scott Coffey

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/26/2018Movie ScreenDVDTheater5.5 stars
03/02/2012TVStreamingVideo on Demand6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

2nd film at B-Fest 2018. I think we did this at a movie night years ago. Feels like that. If not we should’ve bc this is just so batshit weird. Far from a good movie that sorta kinda puts Sandahl Bergman in a lead role where *she* rarely speaks. It’s still a fascinating watch as it moves through each bizarre set piece. Me and others around me would often yell “what is going on???” numerous times during this viewing. Definitely a good flick for B-Fest and certainly more fun to experience with a crowd.


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