
Atomic Rulers (1965)

Directed by Teruo Ishii, Akira Miwa, Nagayoshi Akasaka

Science Fiction


Super criminals are planning to infiltrate Earth with mass nuclear destruction! Only Starman can defend civilization by thwarting evil!

Length 74 minutes


Ken Utsui | Junko Ikeuchi | Shoji Nakayama | Minoru Takada | Sachihiro Ohsawa | Minako Yamada | Hiroshi Hayashi | Utako Mitsuya | Chisako Hara | Reiko Seto | Akira Tamura | Tomohiko Ôtani | Fumiko Miyata | Jōji Ohara | Kami Ashita | Terumi Hoshi | Shinsuke Mikimoto

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/04/2018TVStreamingVideo on Demand0 stars

Viewing Notes

I’d really love to see the original un-westernized versions of all the Starman features.


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