
Thunderbirds Are GO (1966)

Directed by David Lane

Science Fiction | Adventure | Animation


When the launch of a mission to Mars goes awry due to sabotage, International Rescue is requested to assist in the mission’s second attempt.

Rated G | Length 93 minutes


Sylvia Anderson | Ray Barrett | Alexander Davion | Peter Dyneley | Christine Finn | David Graham | Paul Maxwell | Neil McCallum | Bob Monkhouse | Shane Rimmer | Charles Tingwell | Jeremy Wilkin | Matt Zimmerman | F. Vivian Dunn | Cliff Richard

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/20/2018TVBlu-rayOwned0 stars
02/05/2012TVDVDOwned6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Been watching the new Thunderbirds Are Go series on Amazon and decided to revisit the feature films from the 60s since I own them now. Such a weird film w/that extended dream sequence by Alan.


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