
The Crown and the Dragon (2013)

Directed by Anne K. Black

Fantasy | Adventure | Action


In a war-torn country that is plagued by a vicious dragon, Elenn, an arrogant, young noblewoman, accompanies her aunt on a mission to bring an ancient relic to the secret coronation of the rightful king.

Rated NR | Length 91 minutes


Amy De BhrĂșn | David Haydn | Vidal Sancho | Nicola Posener | Claire Cordingley | Stefan Dubois | Kynan Griffin | Elizabeth Adams | Owen Barton | Lemuel Black | Angus Brown

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/11/2018TVDVDLibrary4.5 stars

Viewing Notes

So many of these recent dragon fantasy films are so similar. They need less drama and complicated plots. Probably bc the last ones I’ve seen were directed by Anne K. Black. It’s like fantasy adventure for the ABC Family channel.

Needed more dragon action.


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