
Fatal Contact (2006)

Directed by Dennis Law

Action | Crime | Melodrama


A young man learns the fighting techniques of Sanda from a coach. The two become best friends as the young man prepares to enter an underground tournament, competing against some of the top fighters of the world.

Length 110 minutes


Wu Jing | Ronald Cheng | Miki Yeung | Cheung Siu-Fai | Ken Lo | Andy On | Lam Suet | Timmy Hung | Johnny Lu | Theresa Fu | Hui Siu-Hung | Tats Lau | Chan Tat-Kwong | Au Hin-Wai | Kenji Tanigaki | Xing Yu

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/01/2018TVDVDRented6 stars

Viewing Notes

An early Wu Jing flick. Heavy on the melodrama with some nice fighting sequences sandwiched in-between. Not great by any stretch (overly long and weighed down by the schmaltzy drama) but neat to see early Wu Jing kicking ass and showing his skills.


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