
The Gamma-Ray Man (2013)

Directed by Jason Coffman

Science Fiction | Short


Mild-mannered scientist Dr. Vance Lake (Doug MacKechnie) is betrayed by his research partner Dr. Ernst Vilious (Jerry Bloom) and Vilious’s wife Anne (Susan Fay), becoming a strange inhuman creature. With the help of plucky reporter Penny Ingram (Margaret Katch), the Gamma-Ray Man lays a trap for Anne Vilious to avenge himself.

Length 16 minutes


Doug MacKechnie | Susan Fay | Jerry Bloom | Margaret Katch

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/16/2018TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Another Coffman flick on Prime! Super happy to see more of my friend’s work.


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