
Luciferina (2018)

Directed by Gonzalo Calzada

Horror | Supernatural

Most recently watched by sensoria


After receiving bad news, Natalia, a young novice, returns home, where her sister Ángela asks her to travel with her and her friends to a mysterious place.

Rated R | Length 115 minutes


Sofía Del Tuffo | Marta Lubos | Pedro Merlo | Malena Sánchez | Francisco Donovan | Stefanía Koessl | Gastón Cocchiarale | Agustin Daulte | Tomás Lipan | Silvana Di Sanzo | Desirée Salgueiro | Vando Villamil | Victoria Carreras | Juan José Flores Quispe | Maru Zapata | Juan Vitali | Chucho Fernández | Gustavo Daujotas | Lorena Muñoz | Noelia Antúnez

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/26/2018Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

Mostly dug the premise here but goes down with some obvious exploitation tropes (shocking to be shocking). Good production and I would watch again.


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