
A Crimson Man (2017)

Directed by Mike Pappa

Science Fiction | Family | Short


In a war-torn land of man vs. robot, a young runaway slave searching for his father must ally with a broken and battle-scarred war-robot or be hunted down by his brutal overseers.

Length 22 minutes


Craig Stark | Malay Choeung Kim | Eric VanArsdale | Maddox Henry | Daniel Clarkson | Joe Burch

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/06/2018ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars
06/03/2018Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8 stars

Viewing Notes

Mike reached out to me today to let me know that his short film was now available for anyone to view. Of course I had to watch it again bc it was one of my favorites from Juggernaut this year.

Peep it here:

It borrows a little from IRON GIANT and PETE’S DRAGON and totally feels like a Disney flick. I’d love to see a full feature length film in the world and with this relationship.


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