
She Demons (1958)

Directed by Richard E. Cunha

Horror | Science Fiction


A couple wash up on an uncharted island where Nazi experiments are going on.

Rated NR | Length 77 minutes


Irish McCalla | Tod Griffin | Victor Sen Yung | Rudolph Anders | Gene Roth | Leni Tana | Charles Opunui | Bill Coontz | Billy Dix | Larry Gelbman | Michael Stoycoff | Whitey Hughes | Maureen Janzen | Grace Mathews | The Diane Nellis Dancers | Hank Simms | Wendy Wilde

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/06/2018ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

This is the kind of movie that shows up on those cheapie dvd sets. I dig it. Really like how the native women look as the monsters and the nazi mad scientist. Super cheesy but entertaining for what it is and even the movie star blonde bombshell having the epiphany about her life is cute.


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