
One Week (1920)

Directed by Buster Keaton, Edward F. Cline

Comedy | Short

Most recently watched by lolareels


Newlyweds receive a build-it-yourself house as a wedding gift—and the house can, supposedly, be built in “one week”. A rejected suitor secretly re-numbers packing crates, and the husband struggles to assemble the house according to this new ‘arrangement’ of its parts.

Rated NR | Length 25 minutes


Buster Keaton | Sybil Seely | Joe Roberts

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/21/2019TVStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars
09/05/2018TVDVDLibrary7 stars

Viewing Notes

The only short film on the comedy dvd I picked up today.


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