
The Wolf House (2018)

Directed by Cristobal León, Joaquín Cociña

Mystery | Animation | Fantasy

Most recently watched by sensoria


After escaping from a religious colony in Chile, Maria seeks shelter in a mansion where she’s taken in by two pigs, its only inhabitants. Like in a stop-motion dream, the universe of the house reacts to her feelings. The animals slowly morph into humans and the house into a dark, menacing world.

Length 75 minutes


Amalia Kassai | Rainer Krause | Karina Hyland | Carlos Cociña | Natalia Geisse | Javiera Ramirez

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/21/2018Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8 stars

Viewing Notes

FF2018 Day 2 - Movie 1: Chilean mixed media stop-motion animation equally haunting as it’s hypnotic. Often horrific yet so impressive conveying this maddening tale of isolation. Was so lost in the painstaking craft of this I often forgot what the story was about. Filmmakers indicated that a portion of this was done as a live museum installment. Definitely a favorite of the Fest and one I want to revisit.


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