
World Apartment Horror (1991)

Directed by Katsuhiro Otomo

Horror | Comedy | Supernatural


A Yakuza underling is given the assignment to rid an apartment of its tenants within a week. He tries a variety of desperate tactics to no avail. Soon his problems get worse as an evil spirit makes its presence known.

Length 97 minutes


SABU | Hiroshi Shimizu | Hua Rong Weng | Jazz Cutz | Yƻji Nakamura | Mohammed Abdul Sahib

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/24/2018ComputerBroadcastOther6 stars

Viewing Notes

turned on Daikauju TV just as HAUSU was ending so I decided to check out this Satoshi Kon penned supernatural comedy about a yakuza trying to clear an apartment complex full of non-Japanese Asian tenants then discovering there is also a ghost in the building. Wasn’t ideal viewing (either a FB issue or wifi issue bc the broadcast would pause more often than usual plus it was a very murky transfer) but glad to see this movie since it’s another one not readily available and stars SABU. Would be nice to revisit under better conditions.


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