
The Crimes of the Black Cat (1972)

Directed by Sergio Pastore

Horror | Mystery

Most recently watched by sensoria


In Copenhagen, a blind pianist hunts the culprit in string of murders, each linked by the presence of a yellow shawl and a black cat.

Rated R | Length 90 minutes


Anthony Steffen | Sylva Koscina | Giovanna Lenzi | Giacomo Rossi-Stuart | Shirley Corrigan | Renato De Carmine | Umberto Raho | Annabella Incontrera | Romano Malaspina | Imelde Marani | Isabelle Marchall

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/28/2024Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6 stars
10/28/2018ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

While not a top tier gialli it still has a good mystery that kept me guessing even tho I suspected the correct person from the get-go. Love that the main protagonist is blind yet a composer for giallo films. I’d like to know the film that they show him working on (it’s a clip of a nude woman being stabbed). Also wish the movie did more w/the black cat premise in the synopsis. This does feature one of the most brutal murders I’ve seen in a gialli so that’s saying something. Too bad this one has been given a decent home video treatment by Arrow or another genre distro.


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