
D.O.A. (1949)

Directed by Rudolph Maté

Film Noir | Crime | Mystery

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, sensoria


Frank Bigelow is about to die, and he knows it. The accountant has been poisoned and has only 24 hours before the lethal concoction kills him. Determined to find out who his murderer is, Frank, with the help of his assistant and girlfriend, Paula, begins to trace back over his last steps. As he frantically tries to unravel the mystery behind his own impending demise, his sleuthing leads him to a group of crooked businessmen and another murder.

Rated NR | Length 83 minutes


Edmond O'Brien | Pamela Britton | Luther Adler | Beverly Garland | Lynn Baggett | William Ching | Henry Hart | Neville Brand | Laurette Luez | Jess Kirkpatrick | Cay Forester | Frank Jaquet | Lawrence Dobkin | Frank Gerstle | Carol Hughes | Michael Ross | Donna Sanborn | Harold Miller | Sam Harris | George Lynn | Phillip Pine | Bill Baldwin | Teddy Buckner | Frank Cady | Roy Engel | Douglas Evans | Virginia Lee | Peter Leeds | Hugh O'Brian | Jerry Paris | Lynne Roberts | Ivan Triesault | Beverly Warren | Jadie Carson | Shifty Henry | David Jansen | Ray Laurie | Van Streeter | Cake Witchard

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/01/2018TVStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

November really is a good month for film noir. Dark early but not quite winter. Noirvember makes a lot of sense.

Love the use of location in both SF/LA. Good story too “You’ve been murdered!” Thought I had seen this one but glad to have it unseen to for this event.

Nice one to kick off the month.


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