
Panic in the Streets (1950)

Directed by Elia Kazan

Film Noir | Crime | Thriller

Most recently watched by sensoria


A medical examiner discovers that an innocent shooting victim in a robbery died of bubonic plague. With only 48 hours to find the killer, who is now a ticking time bomb threatening the entire city, a grisly manhunt through the seamy underworld of the New Orleans Waterfront is underway.

Length 96 minutes


Richard Widmark | Paul Douglas | Barbara Bel Geddes | Jack Palance | Zero Mostel | Dan Riss | Tommy Cook | Wilson Bourg Jr. | Beverly C. Brown | Lewis Charles | Herman Cottman | John David | William A. Dean | Robert Dorsen | George Ehmig | H. Waller Fowler Jr. | Paul Hostetler | Elia Kazan | Edward Kennedy | Mary Liswood | Henry Mamet | Tiger Joe Marsh | Ruth Moore Mathews | Emile Meyer | Alex Minotis | Rex Moad | Ray Müller | Lenka Peterson | Waldo Pitkin | Tommy Rettig | Stanley J. Reyes | John Schilleci | Aline Stevens | Al Theriot | Guy Thomajan | Arthur Tong | H.T. Tsiang | Irvine Vidacovich | Juan Villasana | Pat Walshe | Val Winter | Leo Zinser

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/18/2018TVDVDLibrary7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Walter Jack Palance is great. Richard Widmark is great. Nice to have a film noir set in New Orleans and about a plague spreading via some thugs.


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