
Suddenly (1954)

Directed by Lewis Allen

Crime | Suspense | Film Noir

Most recently watched by sensoria, jenerator


The tranquility of a small town is marred only by sheriff Tod Shaw’s unsuccessful courtship of widow Ellen Benson, a pacifist who can’t abide guns and those who use them. But violence descends on Ellen’s household willy-nilly when the U.S. President passes through town… and slightly psycho hired assassin John Baron finds the Benson home ideal for an ambush.

Rated NR | Length 77 minutes


Frank Sinatra | Sterling Hayden | James Gleason | Nancy Gates | Kim Charney | Willis Bouchey | Paul Frees | Christopher Dark | James O’Hara | Kem Dibbs | Charles Smith | Paul Wexler | Clark Howat | John Beradino | Richard Collier | Roy Engel | Ted Stanhope | Charles Wagenheim | Dan White

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/23/2018PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Quite enjoyed this. Kept trying to guess how it would play out.


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