
Women in Hiding (1940)

Directed by Joseph M. Newman

Drama | Short | Crime


In this Crime Does Not Pay series short, a young woman wants to save her baby, but is afraid of telling her parents and has no money to pay the hospital costs involved. She falls prey to a baby-for-sale racket with quack doctors performing their services.

Length 22 minutes


Edward Fielding | C. Henry Gordon | Charles Middleton | Wilfred Lucas | Margaret Bert | William Forrest | Granville Bates | Wade Boteler | Jane Drummond | Mary Bovard | Barbara Bedford | Edward Hearn | Marsha Hunt

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/23/2019TVDVDLibrary7 stars

Viewing Notes

Holy shit abortions were expensive in 1940

Oh wait maybe that’s for the birth. These sleazebag doctors are scamming young pregnant women by taking their money then birthing their child then selling the child (adoption) bc of some bullshit contract they conned the women into signing. Fuck these old gross white men.


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