
Film Noir: Bringing Darkness to Light (2006)

Directed by Gary Leva

Documentary | Film Noir


Film Noir burrows into the mind; it’s disorienting, intriguing and enthralling. Noir brings us into a gritty underworld of lush morbidity, providing intimate peeks at its tough, scheming dames, mischievous misfits and flawed men - all caught in the wicked web of a twisted fate.

Length 68 minutes


John Alton | Drew Casper | Roger Deakins | John Debney | Edward Dmytryk | James Ellroy | Glenn Erickson | William Goldman | Jane Greer | Christopher McQuarrie | Frank Miller | Christopher Nolan | Brian Helgeland | Michael Madsen | Nicholas Pileggi | Sydney Pollack | Peter Honess | Eddie Muller | Kim Newman | John Ottman | André Previn | Graeme Revell | Henry Rollins | Theresa Russell | Paul Schrader | Talia Shire | Newton Thomas Sigel | Carol Littleton | Janusz Kamiński | Audrey Totter | Gordon Willis | Lili Fini Zanuck

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/22/2019TVDVDLibrary7 stars

Viewing Notes

This would’ve been nice to watch when I kicked off Noirvember. Also, I rescind my comments/theory on serials being a precursor to Film Noir (only a precursor in the timeline but not influential on noir). As I’ve watched more serials (Chan, Wong, Bulldog, etc.) they really don’t share in the same elements. This became more apparent hearing all these filmmakers and historians discuss Film Noir.

This is also the perfect runtime for the documentary even tho I’d love to hear more from some of the featured guests included here. Funny that when this was made was before McQuarrie got huge w/Mission Impossible and Nolan blew up w/the Dark Knight trilogy. Of course Eddie Muller is here. Probably the person I enjoyed the most was Carol Littleton; she offers some of the best insights.


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