Science Fiction | Action | Animation
In his travels as a bounty hunter, Hunter–Warrior and cyborg healer Ido one day discovers and repairs the remnants of a cyborg whom he names Gally. Though possessing the body of a young woman, Gally now embodies Ido’s most sophisticated and lethal cybernetic skills. The preternaturally strong, amnesiac Gally begins to forge a life for herself in a world where every day is a struggle for survival.
Length 54 minutes
Miki Itō | Shunsuke Kariya | Kappei Yamaguchi | Mami Koyama | Shigeru Chiba | Ryuuzaburou Ootomo | Kazuhiko Kishino | Kouji Totani | Takumi Yamazaki | Kazuyuki Sogabe | Michitaka Kobayashi | Naoki Makishima | Tomoko Maruo | Shinobu Satouchi
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
02/22/2019 | TV | Streaming | Video on Demand | 7 stars |
02/04/2019 | TV | Streaming | Video on Demand | 7 stars |
(Average) 7 stars |
Really wild to watch this after seeing ALITA. Even more wild that they told basically the same story here in under an hour (around 50 minutes) compared to the 2 hours of the live action film. Of course they added much to live action film including all the motorball stuff which isn’t even a part of this adaptation. Here it’s more of a gladiator arena thing but is only in the background, never part of the main story.
Much of the same story beats are here including some shots that are used in the live action. Now having seen the live action movie a few times I can appreciate this anime version a lot more. I got the first volume of the manga in my kindle app so that’s next.
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