
Eat a Bowl of Tea (1989)

Directed by Wayne Wang

Drama | Romance


An American-Chinese man brings over his wife from China to America, but the challenges of making a living and adjusting to a new life, plus the attentions of a gambler threaten their marriage.

Length 102 minutes


Cora Miao | Russell Wong | Victor Wong | Lau Siu-Ming | Eric Tsang | Lee Sau-Kei | Yuen Fat Fai | Hui Fan | Helena Law Lan | Jessica Harper | Paul Che Biu-law | Anna Ng Yuen-Yee | Lui Tat | Woo Wang-Daat

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/24/2019TVDVDLibrary6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

More Wayne Wang. Kinda wild he made this around the time of Life is Cheap… Decent film that addresses how traditions are still maintained. I really like Cora Miao’s performance.


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