
Dim Sum Take-Out (1988)

Directed by Wayne Wang

Comedy | Short | Music


Dim Sum Take-Out shows how the heterogeneity and complexity of Asian American experiences can be erased. It was literally cut together from film that was shot for Dim Sum, which was conceived as a film about the ways in which five women of the Chinese diaspora—three American-born, a naturalized citizen, and a recent immigrant—try to balance their personal goals and the expectations of the Chinese American community in which they live. The original story line was thought to be too complicated and ambitious, and, ultimately, significant portions of Dim Sum were rewritten and reshot to focus on Geraldine, a second-generation Chinese American woman, and her relationship with her immigrant mother. However, footage that had already been shot for the film was edited together to create Dim Sum Take-Out, an eleven-minute film made up of narrative segments intercut with music video style segments, set to English- and Chinese-language versions of the song “My Boyfriend’s Back.”

Rated NR | Length 13 minutes


Joan Chen | Amy Hill | Laureen Chew | Cora Miao

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/09/2019TVDVDLibrary7 stars

Viewing Notes

Interesting story behind this short film, which was originally shot before the DIM SUM: A Little Bit of Heart feature. But it didn’t make sense, according to Wang and he wanted to make a feature with Laureen’s character and her mom.

But this is fun short film w/the main 5 girls.


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