
The Water Phoenix (2017)

Directed by Bola Ogun

Short | Fantasy


When an imprisoned mermaid is betrayed by her caretaker, she must find a way to escape the aquarium alone.

Length 10 minutes


Bola Ogun | Joseph Dixon | Garret Sato

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/16/2019PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

I saw Bola Ogun’s tweet about what she went thru to make films in Los Angeles and that her first film that she self-produced, directed and starred in was now available on Vimeo. So I checked it out. The production value is impressive for a micro-budget and it’s a decent story that hits familiar beats. She was determined to make a black mermaid flick and she did!

Of course it wasn’t on TMDb so I added it.


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