
Furie (2019)

Directed by Lê Văn Kiệt

Thriller | Action | Crime

Most recently watched by sensoria


When a little girl is kidnapped by a trafficking ring, they soon find they messed with the wrong child. Her mother, a notorious former gang leader, is close on their trail and will go to any lengths to bring her child home.

Rated NC-17 | Length 98 minutes


Ngô Thanh Vân | Phan Thanh Nhiên | Phạm Anh Khoa | Thanh Hoa | Cát Vi | Lê Trang

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/20/2019Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8 stars

Viewing Notes

Finally! So happy to see this despite having to make a costly trip into the city (Metra + lunch = $23.50) to watch it. Would’ve done VOD but it wasn’t available anywhere I looked. Glad it at least stuck around for 2 weeks at River East so I could catch it there. And I wasn’t the only one at the 1:20 matinee.

There’s nothing new about the premise: daughter kidnapped and mother goes after her and won’t let anything stand in her way. But the delivery of said premise is what makes this film attractive. Location (rural Vietnam then Saigon), good photography and shot composition, and a kick-ass lead in Veronica Ngo. She lives and breathes this character and is every bit as believable as if this is who she really is. It’s remarkable. I just want to watch her destroy dudes in more movies. What’s a very nice touch is that she is a mother and tough as nails but she’s also vulnerable and not perfect. She’s not just some unstoppable machine. Rather she’s a survivor. And on a mission.

There’s some flashback stuff in the film that didn’t quite work (the “10 years ago” stuff doesn’t look ten years ago) that provides some backstory and there’s a relative visit that’s unnecessary (doesn’t drive the story forward). With a few edits this could be one killer of a flick, fast-paced and to the point. I still give it high marks for Ngo and the fight staging. Would’ve liked to see more of Saigon.

Definitely a film I want to see again. Seriously hope Ngo gets more good roles. Hell, have her team-up with Julie Estelle. Timo should make it happen.


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