
The Crossing (2018)

Directed by Bai Xue

Drama | Crime


Studying in Hong Kong but living in Shenzhen, Peipei has spent 16 years in her life travelling between these two cities. To realize the dream of seeing snow in Japan with her bestie, Peipei joins a smuggling gang and uses her student identity to smuggle iPhones from Hong Kong to Mainland. Her family life and friendships begin to fall apart. The daily life of Peipei starts to get out of control.

Length 99 minutes


Huang Yao | Sunny Sun | 湯加文 | Ni Hongjie | Elena Kong | Liu Kai-Chi | Gang Jiao | Kin Long Chan

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/20/2019Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7 stars

Viewing Notes

Cool film. More when I get home.

So this is like mumblecore Hong Kong. In ways it reminded me of Wong Kar-Wai’s Chungking Express. Not quite as expressive or melancholy but THE CROSSING has similar feels. It has a narrative but really no peaks or valleys. I like it for that; the main character is seduced by the smugglers and enjoys the risk (smuggling iPhones across the border into China). This creates conflict between her and her personal life however there really is no awakening. Yes, some consequences but mostly about wanting a better life and hoping on a dream to experience something beyond the reality they are dealt.

The score also provides some fun “oh shit” cues within the storyline. It’s an unusual yet unique story with some excellent handheld photography in the grimy crevices of Hong Kong. Neat film. Happy I was able to maximize my trip to River East and see this along with FURIE.


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