
Campaign (2007)

Directed by Kazuhiro Soda



Can a candidate with no political experience and no charisma win an election if he is backed by the political giant Prime Minister Koizumi and his Liberal Democratic Party? This cinema-verite documentary closely follows a heated election campaign in Kawasaki, Japan, revealing the true nature of “democracy.”

Length 120 minutes


Kazuhiko Yamauchi | Junichiro Koizumi | Seiko Hashimoto | Nobuteru Ishihara | Yoriko Kawaguchi | Fumio Mochida | Daishiro Yamagiwa

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/16/2019TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

This is exactly the type of movie I was referring to the other in my JOURNEY TO THE SHORE notes. Director Kazuhiro Soda follows this young politician during his campaign to win over a city that he’s not originally from (he moved there from Tokyo to run). However, in this documentary, you see everyday life throughout the city. From commuters squeezing on a subway to kindergarten children doing their ceremony, it’s a lot of daily life in Japan with this guy trying to convince people to vote for him.

Literally closeups of visiting Konbini which is my favorite thing.


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