Science Fiction | Comedy | Animation
In the midst of a violent invasion of Earth by unknown alien forces, photo-journalist Wakatsuki Tetsuya comes across a scantily-clad alien woman, cutting a swath of death through the Terran ranks with her sword. After a chaotic struggle, Tetsuya is knocked unconscious, only to awaken aboard her starship. To his surprise, she turns out to be Kahm, the invaders’ princess - and she has picked Tetsuya for a starring role in her upcoming wedding. As the groom….
Rated PG-13 | Length 51 minutes
Fumi Hirano | Mitsuo Iwata | Akira Kamiya | Kenji Utsumi | Emi Shinohara | Mika Doi | Mikio Terashima | Takashi Toyama | Mari Yokoo | Yusaku Saotome
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
04/24/2019 | TV | Streaming | Video on Demand | 0 stars |
(Average) 0 stars |
Heard of this one but don’t think I’ve seen it. However it does seem familiar.
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