
Prince of Space (1965)

Directed by EijirĂ´ Wakabayashi

Science Fiction | Action

Most recently watched by sensoria


Attracted by the report of the development of a new type of rocket fuel, the vicious dictator of Krangkor, the dark planet, descends on Earth to steal the formula from its creator, the benevolent Dr. Makin.

Length 85 minutes


Tatsuo Umemiya | Ushio Akashi | Joji Oka | Hiroko Mine | Ken Sudo | Takashi Kanda | Junji Masuda | Ken Hasebe | Akira Katayama | Akikane Sawa | Tokio Kozuka | Osman Yusuf

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/23/2019ComputerBroadcastOther5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Was nice to finally see this via DaikaijuTV even tho it was the dubbed/edited version. Funny that they put up the subtitles warning card before the film which got me excited but as soon as it started nope.


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