Action | Adventure | Animation
A simple diamond heist leads Lupin into the machinations of a bizarre cult based around the prophecies of Nostradamus. They kidnap Julia, the daughter of Douglas, a wealthy American who is seeking the presidency, along with Lupin’s diamond. At stake is the lost book of prophecy Douglas holds in the vault at the top of his skyscraper.
Rated PG-13 | Length 100 minutes
Kanichi Kurita | Kiyoshi Kobayashi | Eiko Masuyama | Makio Inoue | Gorō Naya | Yumi Adachi | Hôsei Komatsu | Fumi Dan | Akio Otsuka | Osamu Saka | Jōji Yanami | Tarô Arakawa | Takaaki Hiyoshi | Sayuri Sadaoka | Fumihiko Tachiki | Yasuyuki Hirata | Toranori Yoshikawa | Mahito Tsujimura | Yoko Nomura | Natsumi Asaoka | Yuzuru Fujimoto | Kumiko Tsunoda | Kouji Ochiai | Hiroya Ishimaru | Takashi Irie | Tsunehisa Fujii
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
05/25/2019 | TV | Streaming | Video on Demand | 6.5 stars |
(Average) 6.5 stars |
Happy to find a Lupin flick on YT. Wish it wasn’t dubbed.
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