
Whisper of the Heart (1995)

Directed by Yoshifumi Kondou

Family | Drama | Adventure

Most recently watched by schofizzy


Shizuku lives a simple life, dominated by her love for stories and writing. One day she notices that all the library books she has have been previously checked out by the same person: ‘Seiji Amasawa’.

Rated G | Length 111 minutes


Yoko Honna | Issey Takahashi | Takashi Tachibana | Shigeru Muroi | Minami Takayama | Mayumi Iizuka | Yorie Yamashita | Keiju Kobayashi | Naohisa Inoue | Shigeru Tsuyuguchi | Toshio Suzuki | Maiko Kayama | Yoshimi Nakajima | Mai Chiba | Satoru Takahashi | Akiko Sakaguchi | Hiromi Yasuda | Tatsuya Okada | Yoshihiro Imai | Suguru Egawa | Shiro Kishibe | Mitsuaki Ogawa

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/02/2019Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8.5 stars
01/01/2017TVDVDLibrary8.5 stars

Viewing Notes

First time on the big screen. Damn, I love this movie. It’s so low key compared to Ghibli’s bigger fantasy films but so heartwarming and rich. The entire “country road” bit brings tears of joy. Really happy I could see this on the big screen and would absolute see it again. Hell, I need to get the Blu.


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