
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)

Directed by Jon Watts

Action | Science Fiction | Thriller

Most recently watched by CaptainBigTime, lordofthemovies, AllAboutSteve, sensoria


Peter Parker and his friends go on a summer trip to Europe. However, they will hardly be able to rest - Peter will have to agree to help Nick Fury uncover the mystery of creatures that cause natural disasters and destruction throughout the continent.

Rated PG-13 | Length 129 minutes


Tom Holland | Jake Gyllenhaal | Samuel L. Jackson | Marisa Tomei | Jon Favreau | Zendaya | Jacob Batalon | Tony Revolori | Angourie Rice | Remy Hii | Martin Starr | J.B. Smoove | Jorge Lendeborg Jr. | Cobie Smulders | Numan Acar | Zach Barack | Zoha Rahman | Yasmin Mwanza | Joshua Sinclair-Evans | Tyler Luke Cunningham | Sebastian Viveros | Toni Garrn | Peter Billingsley | Clare Dunne | Nicholas Gleaves | Claire Rushbrook | J.K. Simmons | Dawn Michelle King | Jeroen van Koningsbrugge | Michael de Roos | Jan-Paul Buijs | Sergio Pierattini | Anjana Vasan | Brian Law | Evelyn Mok | Tatiana Lunardon | Giada Benedetti | Lukáš Bech | Alessandro Giuggioli | Petr Opava | Giuseppe Andriolo | Pat Kiernan | Shari Abdul | Maria Alexandrova | Kristen Alminta | Vincent Angel | Peter Arpesella | Lasco Atkins | Sitara Attaie | Peter Bankolé | Blair Barnette | Tuwaine Barrett | Anna Benamati | Avondre E.D. Beverley | Bruno Bilotta | Sharon Blynn | Luigi Boccanfuso | Paolo Braghetto | Dante Brattelli | Graham Burton | Ken Byrd | Sokol Cahani | Darren Lee Campbell | Hélène Cardona | Dian Cathal | Jake Cerny | Daphne Cheung | Sam Chuck | Victoria Coburn | Kimberly Collison | Tiziana Coste | Jaylen Davis | Kristianne-Kaith Domingo | Andrew Dunkelberger | Charlie Rhea Esquér | Ria Fend | Ferroz Fernandez | Vincent Frattini | Massi Furlan | Cynthia Garbutt | Thomas Goodridge | Sonia Goswami | Nicholle Hembra | Michael Hennessy | Meagan Holder | Patrick Holly | Ruth Horrocks | Chris Hyacinthe | Michael Iacono | Roman Ibragimov | Theo Ip | Timothy Christian Jansen | Keon Kendrick | Camille Kinloch | Michal Kubal | Hannah Kurczeski | Géraldine Lamarre | Jimena Larraguivel | Rich Lawton | Kath Leroy | Gavin Lee Lewis | Patrick Loh | Joseph Long | Marian Lorencik | Ketan Majmudar | Tony Mardon | Antonín Masek | Ben Mendelsohn | Bradley Wj Miller | Melissa Beth Miller | Anthony Molinari | Adrian Mozzi | Brendan Murphy | Amanda Musso | Emily Ng | Daniel Olson | Hiten Patel | Luigi Petrazzuolo | Aleksandrs Petukhovs | Annie Pisapia | Jivan Xander Ramesh | Mike Ray | Sofia Renee | Cailan Robinson | Emmanuel Rodriguez | Ray Rosario | Daniel Ryves | Maurice Sardison | Karen-J Sear | Ilya Tank Shilov | Davina Sitaram | Joakim Skarli | Lucas Antoine Starrets | Faith Tarby | Emily Tebbutt | Lesdy Vanessa | Jessica VanOss | Joe David Walters | Jo Wheatley | Rocco Wu | Samantha Mishinski | Aristou Meehan | Robert Downey Jr. | Jeff Bridges

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/05/2019Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8 stars
07/02/2019Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8 stars

Viewing Notes

IMAX & a/c - yeah I love this movie. Not entirely perfect but a very good punctuation on the MCU as we know it. Tony Stark is such a presence in the movie w/o actually being in the movie (bet RDJr loves that). I’m okay with it since Peter, Happy and the rest are still dealing with his death. It was a big deal so how do you move on… especially when everywhere you look is another reminder (all the tributes, the glasses, etc.).

It is rather interesting to rewatch the film after viewing that end credit stinger. Mainly to watch how both Nick Fury and Maria Hill act, which on the first viewing I thought something was off about them and their behavior. But it made a lot more sense as to why they were so cold. I did like the mid-credit stinger and the return of JK Simmons and framing Spider-Man as a villain.

Still love Mysterio a lot. The Berlin sequence really hit a nostalgia button going back to the sixties animated series when Spidey fought Mysterio on the regular. That was captured so well in the movie.

The awkwardness between MJ and Peter was charming. Felt genuine and relatable. Really good stuff. Zendaya is so great as that character.

What I didn’t care for: the teachers (Smoove and Starr) and the humor that didn’t work anytime they were involved. I didn’t really care much for anything with the students even the puppy love w/Ned and Betty. A lot of that took me back to HOMECOMING and I didn’t care for it then either. 

I’m glad this was the last movie in the current MCU. TBH I wouldn’t mind them taking a full year off as in no Marvel movies in 2020. Give us a rest and make us eager to want to see the next phase. As much as I want to see this MJ and Peter again in many more films I can wait. Actually I’d love to see the next phase in Peter’s life as a college student / photographer for the Daily Bugle. It would be cool if they started production but held off on releasing until at least 2021. Mainly to still film these young actors when they look young. I imagine Tom Holland won’t be looking like a teen much longer. He and Zendaya are 23yo now!


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