
Tokyo Techno Tribes (2002)

Directed by Ray Castle

Documentary | Music


Japanese cyber youth cultures have developed through the imaginative and novel use of technology. Underlying social, cultural and economic trends are examined such as Japan’s unique, isolated island culture, the post-economic boom recession and changing attitudes towards the role of the corporation in work and career attitudes.

Length 53 minutes

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/18/2019TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

This doc by Ray Castle examines youth culture x technology in Tokyo during the early 00s (I believe I read that he shot most of this in 2000 and had a finished film in 2001). All of which is a cover for just wanting to feature techno music, interview various techno DJs and attend raves.

Mostly this is fine and kinda interesting (most fascinating how everyone here talks about how fast tech changes and you realize that everything is so dated now b/c of when this was created and now everything has changed so dramatically since: flip phones, tube television, PS2, etc). Not bad when it focuses on people and tech. Not so good when it’s just computer graphics and repeated images or scenes. Fortunately it’s not very long. I’m gonna check out his other film Manga Mad some time this week.


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