
Birth of a Fighter (1967)

Directed by Motomu Ida

Action | Drama


A young boss proves his right to rule his gang.

Length 79 minutes


Hideki Takahashi | Yōko Yamamoto | Kotoe Hatsui | Kenjiro Ishiyama | Kazuko Tachibana | Asao Sano | Kaku Takashina | Saburo Hiromatsu | Shuntaro Tamamura | Yû Izumi | Iwae Arai | Ryoichi Tamagawa | Bontarô Miake | Masayoshi Miyasaka | Keiji Oizumi | Kunie Tanaka | Keisuke Yukioka | Reiko Arai | Zenji Yamada | Minako Osanai | Fujio Suga | Eiji Gō | Hiroshi Kôno | Akira Nagoya

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/24/2019TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Incorrectly titled on Prime and wasn’t in TMDb. Had to do some digging to find the correct film and details. Still not certain about the title. Ah well. It works for now.

This is a pretty cool ninkyo eiga (chivalry flick) from Nikkatsu and another one starring Hideki Takahashi, who did a lot of these in the 1960s. The transfer on Prime looks very nice. Unfortunately there are some missing subtitles in a few spots including an entire sequence leading up to a showdown with Kunie Tanaka’s character. That said, it’s still fairly easy to understand the gist of the situation and the subtitles return.

There are a bunch of these on Prime right now which is crazy given that many of these have never been properly released in North America (at least not in the DVD age onward). In fact I couldn’t find a gray market release for this particular title.

Update: LOL someone at TMDb changed the description I added and the title. So bizarre. Guess the new title is the release title rather than mine which was a loose translation. Ah well. As long as it’s there. Wish they would’ve added more actors.


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