
Conductor (2018)

Directed by Alex Noyer

Music | Horror | Short


A music engineer helps a young music aficionado compose a beat for a once-in-lifetime competition in a mall where nothing ever happens.

Length 7 minutes


Jukka Hildén | Joshua Canada | Kelli Jordan | Michael Maclane | Nora Nagatani | Paul Brisske | Kentrell Newton

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/10/2019PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Well this was a pleasant surprise. Anya tweeted this the other day so I save it and watched tonight. Damn. This would’ve been great to see in theater at a film festival just to experience the audience reaction. Ideal short film to proceed a film like THE PERFECTION.


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