
Castle Sinister (1948)

Directed by Oscar Burn

War | Drama | Supernatural


During the War, a British agent travels to the remote Glennye Castle in the wilds of Scotland to investigate a mysterious murder by a masked phantom. Who or what is the phantom? And how are the Germans involved?

Length 49 minutes


Mara Russell-Tavernan | Robert Essex | Karl Meir | James Liggat | John Gauntley | Alastair Hunter | Maureen O'Moor

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/20/2019TVStreamingVideo on Demand3 stars

Viewing Notes

Well this is dopey AF. I do love that Prime features all these old b-movies (the recent bunch I’ve been watching are from Renown Films, which is the equivalent of those cheapie DVD sets w/100 movies on them. I think it’s amusing to see the crap they made back in the day.


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