
Kriminal (1966)

Directed by Umberto Lenzi

Crime | Adventure


A master criminal is pursued by inspector Milton

Length 98 minutes


Glenn Saxson | Helga Liné | Andrea Bosic | Ivano Staccioli | Esmeralda Ruspoli | Dante Posani | Mary Arden | Franco Fantasia | Maria Luisa Rispoli | Armando Calvo | Rossella Bergamonti | Mirella Pamphili | Margherita Horowitz

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/29/2019TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

This movie was the selection for DriveInMob this week. I saw the group live tweeting and decided to fire it up after the Cubs game. This is a fun flick with a master “kriminal” eluding the detectives that are chasing him. He’s an anti-hero of sorts almost like a bad James Bond based on a comic book character. The intro and outro credits are great (all comic panels of the character). This could also be thrown into the OUATIH-adjacent bucket (IMO) since Rick Dalton looks so much like Glenn Saxson, the Kriminal, even tho Saxson is Dutch. Could totally see Dalton going to Italy to work with Lenzi to make these films.

Not sure how available this film is since I watched it via the DriveInMob upload on vimeo and they take those down each week for the next movie. I may try to view it again b/c it’s fun watching this handsome thief snake his way around Europe with plenty of beautiful women in his way.


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