
Drive-In (1976)

Directed by Rod Amateau

Comedy | Crime


The adventures of a group of teenagers at a drive-in theatre in Texas one weekend night.

Rated PG | Length 96 minutes


Glenn Morshower | Billy Milliken | Lisa Lemole | Trey Wilson | Jessie Lee Fulton | Bill McGhee | Gordon Hurst | Kent Perkins | Hank Stohl | Ashley Cox

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/18/2019Movie ScreenFilmTheater7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Wonderful slice of seventies Texas and lovely time capsule of how people once enjoyed & consumed entertainment w/a fun cast of unknowns. Loved the rollerskating montage! This was a pristine 35mm print and probably the best looking print to ever screen for CFS, which is saying a lot. Even Kyle made note of this during his intro.

Apparently this print was discovered from a list of Sony titles that had never been requested (around 150 titles). So CFS requested it b/c of the subject and it is a really cool flick made w/Hollywood money but feels like a regional oddity. The cast are all unknowns with a Playboy Playmate being the only exception, which I believe was Ashley Cox. Recognized her immediately (was a big Playboy fan of the late 70s).

Still can’t get over how beautiful this print is… like most of the time you’d think it was a restored version bc it’s so clean. This would make a perfect edition for Vinegar Syndrome.

Such a treat to see this flick which isn’t available in any other form.


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