In the phantasmagorical town of Raven’s End, a misguided young girl takes refuge in a decrepit old mortuary. The eccentric undertaker chronicles the strange history of the town through a series of twisted tales, each more terrifying than the last, but the young girl’s world is unhinged when she discovers that the final story… is her own.
Rated NR | Length 108 minutes
Clancy Brown | Caitlin Custer | Sarah Hay | Mike C. Nelson | Jacob Elordi | Barak Hardley | Christine Kilmer | Ben Hethcoat | Jennifer Irwin | James Bachman | Alison Gallaher | Phyllis Applegate | Brennan Murray | Ema Horvath | Michael Bow | Tom Woodruff Jr. | Tristan Byon | Anthony Fontana | Clavacia Smith | Ben Kleiman | Eric Warwick | Dylan Sharon | Bradley Bundlie | Demorge Brown | Trian Long Smith | Joe Hartzler | Robert Craighead | Sam Eidson | Kayli Hernandez | Kirk C. Johnson | Josephine McAdam | Katie Folger
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
09/21/2019 | Movie Screen | Digital | Theater | 7 stars |
(Average) 7 stars |
Happy I chose this for my midnight slot. Fun horror anthology featuring Clancy Brown as the mortician storyteller with some gory/goopy segments. Fits snugly with Creepshow and other like it.
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