
The Secret World of Arrietty (2010)

Directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi

Adventure | Fantasy | Family

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, lolareels


14-year-old Arrietty and the rest of the Clock family live in peaceful anonymity as they make their own home from items “borrowed” from the house’s human inhabitants. However, life changes for the Clocks when a human boy discovers Arrietty.

Rated G | Length 94 minutes


Mirai Shida | Ryûnosuke Kamiki | Tomokazu Miura | Keiko Takeshita | Kirin Kiki | Shinobu Ōtake | Tatsuya Fujiwara | Shinichi Hatori

Viewing History (seen 3 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/30/2019Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7.5 stars
08/10/2013TVBlu-rayLibrary7 stars
02/17/2012Movie ScreenFilmTheater7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Doing a double feature. Haven’t seen this since Yumi was living with me (6 years ago). Due for a revisit.

Weird how much of this I remember despite only having seen it twice before and over 6 years ago on the last viewing. Still a lesser Ghibli for me but I found more to appreciate on this viewing esp. the attention to the small details. Also really love how the movie continues over the end credits.


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