
Babobilicons (1982)

Directed by Daina Krumins

Animation | Short


Krumins’ fantasy sets the world of flora and fauna on its ear. At one moment grotesque greenish mushrooms grow, wither and reverse their life-cycle, at another, strange crustacean-like animals speed around on a bed of feathers, next a room is inundated with giant ladybugs…  Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2009.

Length 16 minutes


Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/09/2019Movie ScreenFilmTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

This was a fascinating short that preceded the feature film at Chicago Film Society screening at NEIU. It’s a wild stop motion and mixed media with a few deafening sound FX (the volume in the auditorium was up to high). It was neat to see this and I was curious why this short was chosen to pair with the feature QUEEN OF DIAMONDS… then we saw QoD and it all made sense.

This is more experimental / avant garde with claw creatures and insects and other forms that really doesn’t mean anything, a film about just watching these things.


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