
Dog Soldiers (2002)

Directed by Neil Marshall

Action | Thriller | Horror

Most recently watched by sensoria, archstanton43, ashe5k, SIxBORG, krazykat


A band of soldiers is dispatched to war games deep in the woods. When they stumble across a rival team slaughtered in camp, they realize they’re not alone.

Rated R | Length 105 minutes


Sean Pertwee | Kevin McKidd | Emma Cleasby | Liam Cunningham | Thomas Lockyer | Darren Morfitt | Chris Robson | Leslie Simpson | Tina Landini | Craig Conway | Villrikke's Acer | Bryn Walters | Ben Wright | Brian Claxton Payne

Viewing History (seen 3 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/08/2022Home Theater4K Blu-rayBorrowed9 stars
10/19/2019Movie ScreenFilmTheater8.5 stars
10/30/2004TVDVDBorrowed7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Neil Marshall had to cancel his appearance due to a family emergency but we still got his personal print, which was immaculate. So much so I truly believed we were watching a restoration on DCP. Apparently there’s only 2 prints in existence.

The chance to see this on the big screen was a big factor in attending Box of Horrors this year. I had written it off but there being a few films I hadn’t see incl. one from my wishlist (Retribution) and this one really pushed me over. Also getting a dogsitting gig after FF paid for the pass. And this movie alone made it worth it. Plus being able to experience with a captive audience that was totally into it and howling along made it the highlight of the event.


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