
To Your Last Death (2019)

Directed by Jason Axinn

Animation | Action | Science Fiction


In order to save her siblings, a young woman takes on her father and the powerful entity known as Gamemaster, who ensnares humans into diabolical plots while her species gambles on the outcome.

Rated R | Length 91 minutes


Morena Baccarin | William Shatner | Ray Wise | Bill Moseley | Florence Hartigan | Damien C. Haas | Dani Lennon | Jason Axinn | Mark Whitten | Benjamin Siemon | Bill Millsap | Jim Cirile | Tanya C. Klein | Tom Lommel | Paige Barnett | Steve Geiger | Charles Wyman | Ruairí Douglas

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/26/2019Movie ScreenDigitalTheater5 stars

Viewing Notes

Day 3

Like a motion comic. It’s fine but didn’t really work for me


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