
I Am Candy (2015)

Directed by J.B. Minerva

Short | Thriller


It’s Halloween. Lucas, a seven year old boy is home alone. He finds his pumpkin bag missing. Someone took it and has eaten all the candy! Lucas follows the wrappings path not knowing that it leads to a trap.

Length 10 minutes


Carlos Estefano Velazquez | Alejandro Duran

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/31/2019TVStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

stumbled onto this short by accident and bc it’s Halloween themed I viewed it as part of my Halloween Movie Night. Seemed like it had promise but sadly no, this is not very good despite being shot well and in a good location.

Also a strange decision for a Mexican production to be in Russian. I’m sure there was a good reason but none is explained in the short.


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