
Bang Gang (A Modern Love Story) (2015)

Directed by Eva Husson



Biarritz. Sixteen-year-old George, the high school hottie, falls in love with Alex. To get his attention, she initiates a group game with Alex, Nikita, Laetitia and Gabriel. They will discover, test, and push the limits of their sexuality.

Length 98 minutes


Marilyn Lima | Daisy Broom | Finnegan Oldfield | Lorenzo Lefèbvre | Fred Hotier | Olivia Lancelot | Manuel Husson | Raphaël Porcheron | Tatiana Werner | Olivier Lefebvre | Yolande Carsin | Eva Husson | Alexandre Perrier | Gaspard-Andréas Perrier | Patricia Husson | Jules Cabat | Julien Gomez | Julien Granel | Léa Bertin | Gaïa Oliarj-Inès | Giulia Nori | Mathilde Cartoux | Cécile Gallach | Maria Romeo | Lune Delachance | Murielle Meynard | Stefan Blanco | Amadou Niasse | Aurore Godfroy | Aymeric Bichon | Benjamin Lalane | Charlène Lesut-Canderatz | Luc Chartier | Manuel Guillaud | Mehdi Belkabir | Tom DeLonge | Thomas Lancereau | Wilfried Lemoine

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/02/2019TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Was expiring on MUBI and looked interesting so I yeah. Didn’t realize this was based on a true story but as I watched it felt like something that would really happen. All these teens get together for “Bang Gang” parties where they do drugs and have sex. Until shit hits the fan.

Not super great but believable characters (geez I hope these were all 18+ actors b/c they did look like highschoolers) and some cool camera work. Kinda tragic story but not terrible. Just sad. At first I thought there was a main character but really we’re following 4 characters to understand more about them. 

Altho I don’t recall anything this extreme during HS years there were instances very close to this just not as organized or nearly as sexed up. More on the party / drugs side then again maybe sex parties did happen but I just wasn’t invited?? Hmmm


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